Yuan Yao

A portfolio showcase of my projects.

Design Projects


UCSB Campus App that servers more than 10,000 students!

Project Timeline Project Type Contributor
2018 - 2019 UCSB Campus App Yuan Yao
Hengyu Liu

Project Overview

A friend and I created an unoffical UC Santa Barbara campus mobile application. With more than 10,000 users in total with both Android and iOS platform. We started off by implementing couse information and dining hall informaiton to UCSB students. Later down the development, we are reached out and partnered with UCSB IT department to utilize official APIs.


Product Lead

I was invovled in establishing the gogaucho student organization on campus and handled recruitment for new memebers. My partner and I managed a team of 30 and held weekly project meetings, brainstormed and planned for future updates and new features and promoted the App and make is more accessible for students.

Android Developerment

I built the Android Version of GoGaucho from scratch.


The feature of the application includes checking dinning common’s menu, remaining meal balances, marking and getting reminded of favorite food items, nagivating through campus, checking daily class schedules.

Android Application Screenshots

Official Websites