Yuan Yao

A portfolio showcase of my projects.

Design Projects


Travel Planning App for People that Don't Plan


Get it on Google Play

Planana - Ideate, Plan, Travel! | Product Hunt


This project was started among my friends and I where we struggle to find a good solution to make travel plans. We noticed ourselves are not like those people who make detailed Excel sheets for travel plans, but still collect ideas from here and there, buy tickets in prior for those must see attractions, and screenshot stuff we see from blogs. Among further research, there hasn’t been any App out there that matches what we need. Therefore we decided to build one ourselves!


My role in the project mainly invovles writting the Android App from scratch. The Android App is written completely in Jetpack Compose, utilizing Room, Navigation component, Hilt Dependency Injection and Coroutine.



As mentioned before, we want to streamline the process of making travel plans but without going into making detailed itinerary. Therefore, we created the concept of plananotes. An instant note that you could create in a second that could contains text, links, and images (for now). This could be the restaurant your friend has been telling you to check out since forever, could be a QR code ticket you purchased in advanced, could be a screenshot of Travel Advisor detailing things you think that’s worth checking out. We want to leave this form really open minded and free form, you could choose whatever content you want to put in this so called idea board.


Once you have a general idea of what you want to do or check out in your destination, you can navigate to schedule view and start adding your plananots into each day. This will help you to have a general idea of how to fit your activities in your days while you travel and gain a sense of how pack you want your day to be. From our user study, we understand that travel plans often change quickly, accidents and cancellation might occur last minute and you might need to change your plans on the go. Not to worry, we make this easy for you as well as you can switch an plananote item to a different day by long clicking it.